viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2008
There is Vs There are
Check the next box, you can find the different uses of There is/are
Remember that we can use SOME with plural and affirmative sentences. For example:
There are some candies in that box. ( There are + some + noun + complement)
some doesn't expresess the quantity, but we can specify that. For example: There are ten candies in that box.
You can use ANY in plural question and negative form. For example:
Are there any candies in that box? (are there + any + noun (plural) + complement ?)
No, there aren't any candies in that box (negative long answer). We specify there are no candies in that box.
is there a candy in that box? (is there + noun (singular) + complement?)
No, there isn't. (Negative short answer)
is there any milk in the glass? (is there+any+noun+complement?)
yes, there is some milk in the glass. (affirmative long answer)
Now check the nex exercises and try to do them.